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The work you find here would not be possible, without help from several friends, devoted artists aswell.

Their work could be a source of inspiration to many. Pls, check out their own art.

I like to thank:

Paul van der Hazelkamp

Sunny Quinn: Her site

Bianca Grin. check out: Dream Walkers

Auteur: Margriet Tolhoek: Margriet Tolhoek


Ally; The Alien.

I Always believed that we are not alone in the universe. Just think about it, there are millions of galaxies out there, now don't tell me, all are lifless.

Another reason why I came up with this idea were the numerous doomsday prophecies of 2012. Especially the 21st.

Several days before this fate-full date I found some interesting stories. One of them stated that "Disclosure" was immenent. I hoped that this would be thru. But allas the Government let us down once more ...


Wonder why you may wake up one morning  with a bit of an odd feeling :)
Well this might have been on your mind.
I came up with this “Devil woman” one early morning, drinking my coffee.
As I drew the picture I thought to my self, how powerful a  woman could be.
If a woman wanted she could destroy a man in an instant.
So Devil woman was born.
On a funny note, do you guys remember Marty Robbins. If so you know exactly what I mean...

Green Lanny

This one brings back good memories and a lot of stress.
In our art class there was a woman who organized an exposition for and by children, the theme was super heroes. She had seen my drawings and wondered if I could draw a hero, that within a very short period. Before I knew it I said yes.... Now I was stuck with it :)
I drew the figure in 10 minutes. Brought it to a friend (mentioned above) And if powered by the all mighty we got it ready for the exposition. The children loved it. Btw thx to the people who created the original Green Lantern. One of my favorite D.C. Characters.​

Little Faith

The world is a scary place. A place of dark conspiracies and governments that only want to destroy the people, don't believe me? Check it for yourself. Watch 1984 or Soylent green and you'll know.
Little Faith embodies the fear, that we as people so bravely wave away.
In the twisted minds of the powerful we  are nothing more than vermin that should be crushed.
The all seeing eye looks down upon us. But there is something more powerful than these monsters:
hope, love and the strength of our souls...

Layla Star

The cover of my first comic. Talking about cover ups by the government, the story is about “Shag Harbour” for those who know, this was the place where in 1967 some U.F.O.'s disappeared beneath the dark waves of Nova Scotia. For those who wanna know more about it, check out my comic or look it up in “Project Blue book”.​

Blue​ City.​

Layla Star is the cover, and this is the second page of my comic strip.

The red planet you see in several of my drawings "no not mars " but Nibiru. I was intrigued by the stories of this mythical planet. It would be scary if we could see this planet by now  :D


Well this one speaks for itself. The symbols are all there. The wurms that manipulate mankind. We need to root out this evil. That is detroying our society.

End the lies and blind its eye...

Girls in Distress

Part of a series I wanted to get started but necer finished.

Edrie CD Cover

Esoteric Symbolism

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